Tuesday, 11 June 2013

Neon Boldness: KBShimmer 24 Carrot Bold

Isn't the name of this polish just hilarious??? I am not a lover of orange polishes, but I could not resist that name - luckily, because the polish is as awesome as its name - look:

I applied three relatively thin coats of KBShimmer 24 Carrot Bold over Essence XXL Nail Protector. The application is fantastically easy - but I had to come to expect this from KBShimmers - and 24 Carrot Bold did not disappoint. It dries down matte (see picture below). To show off its sparkle, I added one coat of Essence Better Than Gel Nails Top Sealer

And then the camera in my iPhone freaked out and gave me these photos:

So "carroty" - no? LOL :-)!!! But please note this is absolutely NOT how 24 Carrot Bold looks like on the nail. The first two pictures are very accurate.

I ordered KBShimmer 24 Carrot Bold with Harlow & Co.

I look forward to reading your comments - thanks for visiting!!!


  1. Yes, very cute name:) Funny how different it looks with the iPhone - just like a carrot! Great swatches:)

    1. Hi Essie, awwww now I am feeling so proud - thank you!!!! It seems that the iPhone camera sometimes goes haywire over all the color and shimmer LOL!!! xxx

  2. I had this in my shopping card but changed it to another one :(
    I should have kept it! It looks beautiful on you!

    1. Hi Ina, thank you hon!!! Cannot wait to see what you gor for yourself and then I think, it might go to your shopping cart a second time??? ;-)

  3. Hi Christine! What a bold orange! Hehe I love the name. :D

    ~ Yun

    1. Hi Yun - thank you xxx, the name really rocks!!! Not to mention that I just love carrots ;-)!!!
