Wednesday, 29 May 2013

Girly Bits Bachelor's Button

Here is my third polish I ordered from the Girly Bits Spring It On My Collection: Girly Bits Bachelor's Button:

The above two pictures (as usual) indoors in daylight, the below photo outdoors in the rain - errr shade

I applied three thin effortless coats of Girly Bits Gachelor's Button over Zoya Anchor Base Coat. The formula is creamy and very pigmented. While the holo effect is not super strong, the base color is very saturated. Since we have the most horrible spring in Switzerland since eons (honestly I cannot remember ANY spring with this much rain and cold and absolutely no sun), this kind of holos are my preferred ones as they also look pretty during murkier days.

And just to throw in another picture, below another photo in artificial light

I ordered Girly Bits Bachelor's Button with Llarowe.

I look forward to reading your comments - thanks for visiting!!!


  1. What a gorgeous polish! Oh, and I forgot to tell you, my cousin-in-law (?? is that really a word) is in Switzerland right now! I was thinking of texting her and asking her to bring some polish back. Which brands do you have that we don't?

    1. Hi Essie - thank you!!! To start with the most important: I think Catrice is not available and maybe Bourjois? This is quite a popular French brand. Then there are Mavalas - the creams usually are pretty good and tons of Alessandro which I personally don't really fancy and they are way too expensive for what they are. Then of course Essence but I do know that some are available in the US. We also got Nyx but I never tried this brand and would not be able to give any info. We don't know any phrase beyond cousin. We call all of them equally cousins and eventually get off on lenghty explanations as to what level this cousin would be ;-)

  2. Wow...this color is beautiful! It's just the type of purply-blue that I love but never seem to get, LOL. :)

    1. Hi Melissa, awww thank you - really?? Such a pity. China Glaze has a beautiful one in their spring collection, minus the sparkle ;-)!

  3. You can never go wrong with a holo, but I absolutely love the base color of that polish too. So it's a win-win!

    1. Hi Becca - LOL, thank you <3!! I call them bad weather holos - they are still totally pretty in the rain xxx

  4. This is so beautiful! We have a terrible spring here in Sweden too :/

    1. Hi Ina - thank you hon, eeek really? What a shame that it seems to be such a wide spread miserable spring - anyhow, have a lovely Friday xxx

  5. Hi pet! What a pretty polish! The base color is adorable and a holo effect on top of that! Gorgeous! I don't think a holo polish have to have a strong holo effect to be wonderful! Just look at Catrice Dirty Berry that you got me! Weak holo but absolutely gorgeous! Viele Küsschen!! xxx

    1. Hi sweetie, thank you - ah then we are two, with such a pretty base color the holo effect is perfect as icing on the cake and to me this is a perfect bad weather holo ;-), please scratch Smilla under the chin from me and viele Küsschen xxx

  6. Hi Christine! What a gorgeous shade to cheer up this ugly Spring we're having! I love this periwinkly blue. I'm so sorry I haven't been able to keep up with my reading and commenting on your blog, it's been so hectic here, with my MA Thesis in the last phase, I have so much work to get done and nearly no time for my hobbies... :(
    Hope it gets better next month. Bisous, ma biche, xxx

    1. Hi Nati, please don't apologize, and just look at me, I am no better. I got so little time to divert into my hobby aside from being parttime back at work AND settling Mark's stuff. That he had his own business complicates matter a lot and authorities have still not agreed on my legal status in this matter - le sigh, this will drag on for a couple of more months. But enough of this dusty topic - thank - the shade is simply "parfait"!!! I love to wear it ANY day!! I wish you a wonderful weekend love xxx

  7. This is the prettiest shade of... periwinkle, maybe? And of course, bonus points for being a holo ♥ My parents have Bachelor Buttons growing all up and down the road their house is on and I have such fond memories of picking bouquets of the cute little flowers throughout my childhood... and well into my adulthood, too.
    We're not exactly having a warm spring here in OR, USA either... Two days before June and our heat kicked on this morning. :p

  8. Hi Christine! This looks great on you! Even though the holo isn't strong, it still looks fantastic with that pretty base color! :D

    ~ Yun
