Monday, 3 February 2014

Irregular postings

My dear readers,

I just wanted to let you know, that I might not be able to post on a regular basis over the next days. My internet at home goes bonkers every other day and I have a very instable connection. I am quite annoyed to be honest as I have had posts lined up for ALL week - oh well, it is what it is... in the meantime you can take a break from me ;-)

And this was how I found Nell sleeping yesterday :-D

Hopefully the issues will be resolved soon................


  1. What a cutie pie! Good luck with your internet issues. That would be annoying!

    1. Thank you!! Let's see what I am finding when I get home - I soon see no other way out as to call either Apple or my provider - neither of which I look forward to!!

  2. Oh, I hate when that happens!
    But I love Nell <3

    1. Yeah Nell deserves some stage time, he is my cutie pie after all ;-). Much to my delight the internet was working yesterday evening, I was firing posts one after the other - LOL! xxx
