Hello my dear nailpolish friends!!! I admit I have been dragging my feet writing up posts, there were just too many ideas tumbling round my head and I could not get myself to decide on what to show you. Also I had some quite awesome stuff on my nails which kept me from swatching - I just could not get myself removing the pretties - one of them is todays pick Dance Legend Enamel Color No 332. Now there was quite a hype in the nailpolish universe about the Dance Legend Multi Chromes, about their holos, prisms, new prisms and so on. But that brand has also an incredible amount of cream, crelly and jelly collections that get a lot less attention outside Russia or so it seems to me. Cruising Llarowe's site some weeks back I stumbled over No. 332 in their Enamel Color line, a perfect grass green high shine cream and since I have been whining and complaining about the lack of straight forward green creams available I had to snag that little beauty:
and one picture taken indoors in daylight
I applied three coats of Dance Legend No 332 over my regular Base Coat. The formula is a hybrid between a cream and a crelly like the pigmentation is that of a cream, the consistency that of a crelly. I had a little struggle with some polish flooding on my index (as you can still see in my pictures, no amount of clean-up or editing pictures would get all traces erased). This is mostly due to the long brush of Dance Legend polishes paired with the formula and me not wiping off the brush at the rim of the bottle carefully. Of course you could get away at two coats - it provides a decent opacity - but I just wanted to get more saturation and vibrancy from that green and went for a third coat. The dry time was pretty decent and the finish pretty shiny. I finished this mani with KBShimmer Clearly on Top.
And then I wanted to add something make-upey: Yun from The Polish Hideout stated in a comment that she likes to read my thoughts on make-up as she also is loving simple and fast best, just like me. Today I want to share one of my holy grail/staple items that is both fast and efficient: colorless lipliner. Mine is from Dior - I use it since many years and while now a lot cheaper alternatives pop up left and right, I sort of stayed faithful with it. Why a clear lipliner? Because IMO you end up every so often missing just that one color of liner in your collection that you would need. Now this little guy here has solved me from ever ranting about the right color of liner again. No matter what I put on my lips, this is my liner. Not to mention that the Dior Universal Lipliner Pencil really gets the job done. It prevents ANY lip color from bleeding on me. At the same time my lips don't look unfinished or "border-less" if you know what I mean. It cannot get better than that, right?

Here you see me about halfway through the day having just reapplied some Gloss Volupte without repainting my contours and look how it works - no staining around the edges from my earlier application. But as said, I am not correcting the shape of my lips - this might have quite some impact
Please note that this is just my very own opinion based on the experience I made with this product over the years and I do not correct the shape of my lips but just frame them to prevent the lip product to flow all over my face. I also haven't tried any other brands, so I cannot really tell if this is any better or worse than cheaper stuff or other high-end brands.
I ordered Dance Legend Enamel Color No 332 with Llarowe.
I look forward to reading your comments - thanks for visiting!!!